
Why you should consider adding HypnoReiki™ to the treaments you offer

Adding HypnoReiki™ to the existing treatments a practitioner offers adds to the service you can provide clients. The benefits are that you can enrich your personal professional reputation and develop client confidence. You can also learn how to be flexible with the HypnoReiki™  scripts and adapt them to suit the needs of individual clients.

Practitioners who have trained with me have said that adding HypnoReiki™ to their services will help them stand out from the other therapists in their area of practice, and geographical area as they are offering a service that is different to them and their business competitors.

They say they like the uniqueness of the system and the concept although not unique to the idea of combining Hypnotherapy with Reiki, they were intrigued by what my method would be. Once discovering this on my course they are very impressed and looked forward to promoting HypnoReiki™ on their websites and offering it to their clients.

The people I have already trained are mainly new practitioners just starting up and wanting to have an edge on their competitors who have been in business much longer than them, wanting to offer a service that is unique and different. They are usually spiritual open people, conscious thinkers and connected to the wider issues of life and the beyond.

The next step on from HypnoReiki™? – Become a HypnoReiki™ trainer!

Call me on 07919 051956  or email joy.sackett@hypnoreiki.co.uk for a no-obligation chat about how HypnoReiki™ training could benefit your business.

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