The first couple months of the year are typically quite hard for a lot of people. Not only have we lost the euphoria we had in the run up to Christmas but it is dark and cold outside and we are often exhausted from all the running around we have had to do to prepare Christmas in the first place. This can often leave us feeling tired, run down and sometimes even in pain. They… Read more
All the Christmas songs tell us that it is a time of love, joy and peace. Well for a lot of people it is. However, living with stress, anxiety and depression at Christmas can be difficult and can keep you as far away from joy as it is possible to be. If you’re feeling anxious over the Christmas period or suffer from depression, then you are not alone. A lot of people become even more… Read more
I have said it before and I will say it again, self-care and wellness is not a passing fad. It is a necessity to survive the busy and often stressful lives we immerse ourselves in. However, it is all very well taking care of ourselves physically and mentally… but what about spiritually?! How can we restore ourselves and heal our spirits? If you were to go to your doctor and tell them you were living… Read more
There is a certain sense of comfort we feel from staying inside our own little boxes. Being set in our ways can make us feel safe and secure meaning it can be difficult at times to open our minds up to other possibilities. However, being able and willing to open your mind up to new opportunities such as knowledge, adventure and new relationships leaves the door open for a greater sense of fulfilment and more… Read more
One of the most important adventures we will experience in our lives is the road to discovering who we really are. Many of us walk around either not really knowing who or what we are or listening to an awful inner voice that tells us all the wrong ideas about ourselves. We often mistake self-understanding and knowing one’s self as self-indulgence and instead avoid one of the few questions in life that truly matter; Who… Read more
We’ve all been in a situation where we need to stay calm… be it due to the intensity of a situation and the need for a clear head, where it’s inappropriate to lash out and you need to hold your tongue or simply to quell any other feelings such as nerves. However, it is not always easy to stay calm in situations that increase our emotional levels and put us out of our preferred comfort… Read more
The dictionary defines mindfulness as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” This is of course true, but in fact it is so much more. So what is it? Mindfulness is actually a simple form of meditation, that thanks to the growing trend for self-care has become well-known and much more popular in… Read more
A lot of the time what can hold someone back from seeking help for whatever troubles them be it anxiety, depression, sleep, addiction can be a lack of time. A lot of these issues can be caused by a busy and hectic lifestyle and from getting overworked and run down. What if I told you, that actually with a little time spent you’d be able to reap the benefits for years and years to come.… Read more
Have you ever just stopped and watched the world go by? Sometimes if you just sit and look, it is almost as if someone has hit the fast forward button. No one has time to stop anymore, sit, chat, relax. We are constantly on the go with a never ending to do list, demands left, right and centre and simply no time, especially for ourselves. If we keep on going at this frantic pace, it… Read more
The number of people nowadays who say that they aren’t happy is alarming. Above all else, we should at least be happy within ourselves and our lives even if things haven’t turned out the way you thought they would. A popular “trend” or technique that is on the rise is Mindfulness and people that practice it appear to be much more content and happier within themselves and their lives. So, what is it? Mindfulness is… Read more